Guide Bricklaying Sydney - Toughest Trade - HLH Group

Guide to Bricklaying in Sydney – One of the Toughest Trades

Guide to Bricklaying in Sydney

Bricklaying is a trade that involves laying bricks or blocks to build walls, buildings and other structures. Bricklaying is widely regarded as one of the toughest trades out there, with physical strength and stamina highly valued traits along with good hand-eye coordination and an ability to read and comprehend plans/blueprints. When thinking about bricklaying, it conjures up images of tough men, with torn off sleeves, covered in red brick dust, labouring under a hot sun – but what else is known about this vital and highly skilled trade?

How To Become a Qualified Bricklayer

In Australia, bricklayers or ‘brickies’ as they are known colloquially must undergo the same apprenticeship process as other trades to become fully qualified. Once qualified, bricklayers may also make the jump to becoming licensed builders – as their knowledge and perspective from this form of construction has many overlaps when building structures to completion.

How Become Qualified Bricklayer - HLH Group Labour Hire Sydney

Tools for Bricklayers

Typical tools a bricklayer will own will be:

  • Trowels – for spreading mortar
  • Chisels and bolsters – for cutting bricks and removing old mortar
  • Brick saw and blades – for cutting bricks
  • Mixers – for mixing fresh mortar
  • Spirit level – for keeping everything level
  • Tape measure – making sure the length of the wall is correct
  • Pencil – to mark bricks for where they need to be cut

If you need any of the above make sure to check out our guide on where to get tools in Sydney!

Bad Weather – A Brickies Kryptonite

One disadvantage of bricklaying is that the ability to work effectively can be highly dependent on the weather. When a brick (or block) is laid, it will need time to bond to produce a tidy finish and a stable structure. Rain can interfere with the bonding process by providing additional moisture causing the mortar not to harden properly. Prolonged periods of bad weather can set back the schedule of bricklayers and this is something they must always take into account when completing a project.

Bad Weather - Brickies Kryptonite

The Role of Bricklaying Labourers

Bricklaying labourers are also an essential part of the bricklaying process. Bricklaying labourers will typically assist the qualified bricklayers by carrying materials, helping keep the site clean and ensuring that the team is working quickly and efficiently to hit its deadlines. Physical fitness, being a strong team player and having knowledge of construction techniques and tools is highly advantageous for this position.

Bricklayers and the Skilled Occupation List

In Australia, bricklayers are in short supply and the government has placed the trade on the ‘Skilled Occupation List’. This means that an overseas bricklayer can have the option to apply for a range of skilled visas by meeting the required standards and skills assessment to the equivalent of certificate III.

Bricklaying Jobs Available Sydney - HLH Group

Bricklaying Jobs Available Now

HLH Group have several clients seeking reliable and hardworking bricklayers and brickie labourers and if you think you have what it takes then we want to hear from you. Apply online now or give our team a call on +61 2 8985 2019 and we’ll take it from there!

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