07 Feb Top Tips for You and Your Construction Job Application
Tips for Your Construction Job Application
Here at Hunter Labour Hire we pride ourselves on always providing our clients with the highest quality labourers and tradesmen in Sydney. Our recruitment consultants have very strict quality control procedures in place to help us ensure that this high standard is maintained, but what do we look for in candidates and job applications?
The HLH Recruitment Process
Our quality labourers and tradesmen are recruited using a variety of different techniques. Predominantly candidates apply for job vacancies we are advertising for, others are head hunted by our consultants and some come through existing staff referrals. The recruitment process has 4 main stages from start to finish, these are:
Stage 1:
Recruitment consultants will view the candidates job applications, resumes, personal profiles and personal job ads.
Stage 2:
If the candidate appears to fit all the right criteria for the vacancy our consultants will contact them for a telephone interview.
Stage 3:
If successful, the candidate will then be invited in for an internal interview.
Stage 4:
Successful candidates will be registered and assigned to jobs accordingly.
How To Make You & Your Job Application Stand Out Above The Rest
Every month at Hunter Labour Hire we receive hundreds of job applications. As you can see the recruitment process is lengthy so it’s essential that you and your job application stands out from the rest. Here are our top 5 Do’s and Don’ts when applying for a job and if successful when you are an employee of with Hunter Labour Hire:
Top 5 Do’s When Applying For Construction Jobs:
- Experience – Ensure your resume includes all your relevant construction experience, tickets and licences. Whether these are Australian qualifications or overseas, if they are relevant to the construction industry and job you are applying for then definitely include them.
- References – Ensure you include references relevant to your construction experience. Ideally with the company name and contact number as well.
- Flexibility – At Hunter Labour Hire we will always do our utmost to find you the perfect job. However, the timing of your availability may not always fall in line with the start date of the position in question. Some of our best employees are those who have been flexible and willing to work on other jobs in the meantime before the start date of the job they originally applied for.
- Communication – Candidates that communicate efficiently with our consultants are a dream to deal with. Simple things like responding to requests for additional personal details, sending in copies of tickets/trade qualifications and responding to messages confirming job details quickly all save our consultants a headache and a lot of time.
- Personality – Ensuring you are a friendly, polite and approachable is a must. Being a labour hire agency in Sydney we send guys out to our clients representing our company. We need to be confident that every candidate will uphold our high standards representing us and themselves well on site.
Top 5 Don’ts When Applying For Construction Jobs:
- Experience – Don’t lie about what experience and qualifications you have. If you don’t have the experience, then please don’t say you do. Not only is this a waste of everybody’s time, you could end up in a position on site that you are not comfortable in and also compromise the health and safety of yourself and everyone else on site.
- Punctuality – Don’t be late! If you are successful enough to be offered an internal interview or even better a job, please ensure you are on time. Most construction sites in Sydney require a daily induction on site, if you are late for this you could not only miss out on a day’s work but also risk losing Hunter Labour Hire a valued client.
- Sick – We understand that people are sick and sometimes can’t make it into work (and some have dodgy excuses!). However, letting us know 30 minutes before the job is not an acceptable time frame. The sooner you can let us know the sooner we can arrange a replacement.
- Personal Achievements – Please only include personal achievements that are relevant to the job you are applying for. We don’t need to know you can play the guitar in your mate’s band at the weekend. Keep your resume factual and relevant.
- Mobile Phones – Don’t use your mobile phone during interviews or whilst working on site. Ensure they are on silent or switched off until allocated break times.
Labour Hire Agency in Sydney
So there you have it, our recruitment process explained and our top tips for what, and what not to do when applying for a construction job in Sydney or working for us here at Hunter Labour Hire. Think you might have the skills and experience we are looking for? Well then check out our latest job vacancies or call us today on 02-89852019 to find out what job we may have for you now!
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