24 Sep Seasonal Labour Hire Sydney
Understanding Seasonal Labour Hire
Hunter Labour Hire have been supplying labour hire workers across Sydney all year round now for almost 5 years. During this 5-year period it has become very clear to HLH that every industry has very noticeable seasonal labour hire requirements. The patterns we have noticed for each industry/division are outlined below.
Seasonal Construction Labour Hire
Our construction division is our oldest and by far our largest/busiest division all year round. However, there are noticeable seasonal peaks in our client’s requirements. We generally find the busiest time of year to be August to December with a lot of companies working to very tight end of year deadlines they often require additional assistance to ensure these dates don’t slip. We also work with several remedial and maintenance companies who do work on schools and universities which naturally have busy periods during the school holidays. The quietest time of year is generally February – April.
Seasonal Landscaping Labour Hire
Our landscaping labour hire division has the most noticeable seasonal changes. During the summer months this division is extremely busy. We have several clients who require additional assistance with general landscape maintenance predominantly, but we also support a lot of landscaping companies who work in conjunction with construction companies during their busiest periods. During the winter months this division is much quieter because of dips in the construction industry and maintenance requirements. However, we do still have a steady run of jobs with some of our landscaping clients who are doing a lot of preparation work in time for the busy summer months.
Seasonal Manufacturing Labour Hire
Our manufacturing labour hire division is generally the most consistent all year round from our experience. However, we have noticed some peaks in the run up to Christmas some years when big orders have had to be out in time for the year end. We have also noticed some dips in the labour hire requirements when there have been uncertainties relating to the Australian economy. Naturally the value of the Australian currency has a big effect on some manufacturers who rely on international orders.
Seasonal Electrical Contracting
Our electrical contracting company has almost identical trends to our construction division. When the construction industry is busy most of this divisions workers time is spent on site completing quoted work. During the years quiet periods our estimators spend more time on the road and behind the computer quoting for upcoming jobs.
Seasonal Office Support
Our office support division is very busy during every other divisions busy period, when they require additional support in office and admin roles. We also notice that this division can often be busy after busy periods when companies are playing catch up with general admin that they have let slip during the busy periods.
Seasonal Labour Hire Specialists
If you require seasonal labour hire for existing or upcoming projects and would be interested in speaking to one of our specialists then please don’t hesitate to contact us on 02 8985 2019, contact us online or send us an email to info@hunterlabourhire.com.au.
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