14 Jun These Boots Were Made for Working – Safety Boots for PPE Gear
Safety Boots for PPE Gear
Before starting work in any industry, it is important you have the right PPE for the job and in the construction industry this is especially important as PPE is the last line of defence between you and what could be a serious injury. From your hard hat to safety glasses, gloves, face masks, ear defenders and work shirts, every piece of PPE plays an important role in keeping you safe and injury free. One very important part of your PPE and something you will spend a lot of time in are your safety boots. Choosing the right boots that not only do the job they are supposed to but fit well and offer the right comfort and support will go a long way to helping you through the day and make long days spent on your feet that little bit easier.
The Importance of Safety Boots
The use of safety boots protects workers on site from injuries that other footwear such as trainers, shoes or thongs cannot. These injuries include crushed and broken toes or feet, sprained ankles, burns, slips, trips & falls. They also protect your feet while working in extreme temperatures both hot and cold and you can buy safety boots that are waterproof if you will be working in the rain or wet areas. With thick rubber soles work boots also protect from sharp objects or nails you might stand on while on site.
Finding The Right Safety Boots
While boots come in many styles with some prices starting at as little as $40 and some costing over $200 we recommend you spend some time finding the right work boots for the conditions you will be working in and the work you will be doing. You will be wearing these boots for over 40 hours a week so it is important to find the right boots to see you through the day that will last a long time.
Different Types of Work Boots
Work boots come in all shapes and sizes and offer different protection therefore choosing the right boot for the scope of works is very important. Different boots include:
- Slip on: Slip on steel toe cap boots offer protection from crushing hazards and punctures from standing on nails or sharp objects. They also protect from burns and their sole reduces slips and trips. They do not offer great ankle support so would not be recommended for working on rough and uneven surfaces. They would be suitable for warehouse work and storemen jobs.
- Lace up: Lace up steel toe cap boots offer the same protection as slip on boots while also offering ankle support and protection. They are suitable for working on most construction sites and a lot of sites will require you have lace up safety boots.
- Lace up with zip: Lace up zip boots offer all the protection of standard lace up boots while also making it easier to get in and out of your boots. Rail workers are required to wear lace up zip boots as a safety measure to be able to easily slip out of work boots should their foot become trapped.
Where Can You Buy Safety Boots in Sydney?
You can buy safety boots from most PPE suppliers and also from Lowes, Bunnings and Kmart. If you are new to Sydney and are coming in to register with Hunter Labour Hire, Federal Workwear in Bondi Junction has a wide variety of boots to choose from and also everything else you need to get started on site including hard hats, safety glasses, work pants and hi-viz t-shirts and shirts.
Test Your Safety Boots on Site!
Once you have got your boots sorted the next thing you will need is a job to test them out and that’s where Hunter Labour Hire can help out. To work with us simply send your resume to jobs@hunterlabourhire.com.au or apply online and one of our friendly consultants will be back in contact with you.
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