09 Dec From Office to Construction Site – How We Became Labourers for a Day
We Can Be Labourers – Just For One Day
The day began like any other regular day in the HLH office, sat at a desk with a warm cup of green tea and bowl of ‘Weetbix Mini Bites’. At 8:25 am we received an urgent late request for two general labourers on one of our most prestigious client’s worksite in Palm Beach. For those of you reading this and don’t know where Palm Beach is, it is a 1hr drive from Bondi Junction by car or a whopping 2hr 35 min journey with public transport. After a deep search in our extensive worker database, there were no suitable candidates that had their own transport to make it to Palm Beach before 10:30 am. At HLH Group we aim to cater to every client needs and never let them down. With this company value in mind, we made the executive decision to for the first time ever send out office staff members for a day out on site.
Smoko Items and Go
… and with that Michael our Marketing Manager & Roddy our Recruitment Consultant volunteered to take one for the HLH team. The pair suited up in HLH Workwear, laced up the steel cap boots and before they knew it was on a 1hr drive to Palm Beach in the boss’s car. Michael & Roddy fully embracing the tradie worker lifestyle decided to take a pit-stop along the way to purchase essential ‘smoko’ items – Four’n Twenty pie, Gatorade and a Chocolate Muffin.
Strenuous Labour in 30-Degree Weather
With the client over the moon that HLH Group could fill their late request, they walked our office labourers through the strenuous labouring day ahead. So, what did the job require? It involved the manual transportation of a heavy sandstone delivery from the side of the road down several flights of steps to construct a retaining wall. If that doesn’t sound appealing enough, how about we include 30-degree weather conditions to work in. Let’s just say our two office labourers had a great night’s sleep when they returned home. They also made sure to keep the rest of the office updated by regularly posting in the company WhatsApp group chat.
Exceeding Expectations
Michael & Roddy exceeded expectations and even surprised the client how quickly they moved the sandstone delivery from the side of the road. If that didn’t impress the client enough, they even completed the entire retaining wall from top to bottom by following two-minute tutorials on YouTube. As you can see pictured the boys were more than happy with their efforts and even joked about doing it all again tomorrow. The site manager funnily enough requested the star pair to return next week and complete another retaining wall. In the blink of an eye, it was 3:30 pm and it was time to make the long journey back home to the Eastern Suburbs.
The Moral of the Story
The moral of the story is that unlike other labour hire companies, HLH Group will go to great lengths to make sure our client requests are fulfilled. One thing we hate more than anything at HLH is letting down our clients and failing to keep solid on our promise of:
“delivering the right worker, in the right place, at the right time and for the right price”.
Client First Labour Hire
If you would like to engage with a labour hire company that puts the client first, look no further than HLH Group for all your labour hire needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact the HLH Group online call us on on 02 8985 2019, email us at info@hunterlabourhire.com.au and we’ll get back to you asap!
…just a reminder that Michael & Roddy cannot be requested again as they haven’t stopped talking about their labouring heroics to the rest of the office.
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