30 Jul Lead Times for Labour Hire
Lead Times for Labour Hire Sydney
HLH Group are inundated with different types of requests for temporary and permanent workers daily. Some clients of ours require an extremely reactive service to emergency remedial and repair work, whereas other clients have much more structured scheduled work requiring detailed inductions prior to the site start. After 5 years’ experience managing countless different requests from our clients our account managers have provided details on what they believe are the ideal lead times required for each type of request and also the ideal “window of opportunity” ensuring our clients secure the labour they require whilst it is still available. If you’ve ever wondered about lead times for labour hire then this post is for you, read on!
General Labourers (temp):
Required/Ideal lead time: Less than 24hrs
Window of Opportunity
- HLH Group has general labourers available 24/7 and can be extremely reactive to these types of requests.
- Clients never run the risk of missing out on securing quality general labourers for their projects even if project start dates get pushed back and their original requirements change.
Skilled Labourers (temp):
Required/Ideal lead time: Less than 24hrs
Window of Opportunity
- HLH Group has skilled labourers available 24/7 and can be extremely reactive to these types of requests.
- If a client requires a skilled labourer with a specific skill set (example: detailed carpentry knowledge) then our account managers would prefer 24hrs to ensure that they have a worker with these specific skills is available.
- If a client requires a well-rounded labourer with good site experience and knowledge of all power tools, then less than 24hrs is enough time.
Ticketed/Licensed workers (temp):
Required/Ideal lead time: 12 – 48hrs
Window of Opportunity:
- HLH Group has a huge database of ticketed labourers and licensed workers which makes sourcing these types of workers straight forward with a quick search.
- Due to the high-risk nature of some of the work required by ticketed and licensed workers, our account managers would always prefer to send a tried and tested worker where possible. Therefore, if our clients can provide a couple of days lead time for this type of request then it generally allows plenty of time for the team to free up someone who has been very good on previous projects for us.
- Experienced ticketed and licensed workers are in high demand and if our clients’ schedule does move back from the original time frame then they do run the risk of this worker is unavailable. However, our team will always try and manage the expectations of these workers and keep them busy on other projects until then.
- Booking a ticketed/licensed worker in with more than 48hrs notice is no problem, however, due to the transient nature of the Sydney construction industry, our account managers may not know which worker that will be available until closer to the start date.
Tradesman (temp):
Required/ideal lead time: 24 – 72hrs
Window of Opportunity:
- HLH Group has an extensive database of Australian licensed/qualified and overseas licensed/qualified tradesman available.
- Similarly, to all other workers we provide, our account managers always prefer to send tried and tested workers who we know perform well, as opposed to somebody we have no prior experience with. Therefore, our account managers would prefer 24-72hrs notice to fill this type of position.
- Some clients of ours have scheduled works and can provide much more notice than the preferred 24-72hrs. This is no problem in terms of filling the position. However, some clients like to see profiles for the tradesman they will be receiving. Our account managers are fully transparent and are happy to provide profiles for every worker we send, however, if a client of ours requires a carpenter in 4 weeks, the carpenters we have available this week may not be available by then.
Permanent Roles (perm):
Required/ideal lead time: 1 – 2 weeks
Window of Opportunity:
- HLH Group has built our reputation as one of Sydney’s top-rated suppliers of temporary workers on a labour hire basis. However, we are increasingly being asked to fill permanent roles for our clients too.
- Subject to the type of role our account managers are being asked to fill, the lead time for permanent positions would be 1-2 weeks. This timeframe allows our account managers to advertise, source, interview and reference check all suitable potentials.
- Providing less than 1-2 weeks to fill permanent positions does not always allow our account managers time to provide the best possible shortlist of suitable candidates.
- Providing more than 2 weeks of lead time for permanent roles can sometimes throw up availability problems. Often people who are looking for permanent positions have applied to a few different positions in their field and can get snapped up quickly.
Labour Hire Lead Times – Delivered on Time
If you would like to have a conversation with one of our specialists today regarding how temporary or permanent labour hire may benefit your business then please don’t hesitate to send us an email to info@hunterlabourhire.com.au, give us a call us on 02 8985 2019 or contact us online for more info.
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