Hunter Labour Hire

Labour Hire Trends During A Global Pandemic

Labour Hire Trends Global Pandemic - HLH Group Sydney

Labour Hire Trends in a Pandemic

As the world continues to battle with this global pandemic it is having a huge impact on every industry, including the construction industry. Although construction did not ever come to a stop, at HLH Group we have noticed several significant changes and trends in how our labour hire services are being used now in comparison to how they were being used prior to the pandemic.

New Labour Hire Trends

Some of the trends we have witnessed during the pandemic include:

Main Reasons Why Companies Are Using More Labour Hire

In summary and in general, HLH Group has noticed a significant increase in existing clients/companies and potential clients/companies recognising the value our labour hire service can offer their business. We believe that the 2 defining points surrounding what value we believe our service offers a client/company we supply to include:

1. Saving Time

2. Saving Money

Labour Hire During A Pandemic

Whether you are a skilled labourer looking for work, or a company looking for assistance with the temporary or permanent recruitment of workers, if you would like some further information regarding our services then please don’t hesitate to contact the HLH Group team on 02 8985 2019, email us at or contact us online.

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