08 Jul Hunter Labour Hire’s New City Centre Office & Fun Facts!
Hunter Labour Hire’s New City Centre Office!
When Hunter Labour Hire opened for business last January it was just Sorcha and Craig, as business partners with a shared vision of supplying quality tradesmen and labourers to construction companies throughout the Sydney region. With humble beginnings we have grown from strength to strength over the last year. Just in the past three months we have recruited two new members of the Hunter Labour Hire team. A big welcome aboard to Sarah Bennett our Payroll and Office Administrator and Joe Newman our new Business Development Manager. We have outgrown our old office in Banksmeadow and moved into the City Centre conveniently located 2 minutes from Central Station.
Fun Labour Hire Facts
Since opening last January lots has happened are here are a few fun facts and numbers we are proud of:
- We have supplied roughly 72,800 hours of quality labour hire since opening.
- 647 Hunter Labour Hire hi-vis tops supplied to our workers – register today to get yours!
- Our fleet of vehicles has grown from zero to three. Let us know if you see us out and about around the city on Twitter.
- 45 sets of tools delivered to construction sites around Sydney
- Approximately 1652 cups of coffee and 900 cups of tea (fair trade of course) have been consumed by ourselves.
- The number of locations where we have offices, located in Banksmeadow and Chippendale.
- We have a two screen system in place at our computer desks because two screens mean twice the productivity!
Come & Say Hello!
Our new office is located at Level 1, 822 Georges St, Chippendale NSW 2008. We’re a two-minute walk from Central Station right in the heart of the city easily accessible by trains and buses. It’s easy for potential clients and employees to come and meet us in our office which means we will be making the most use of our interview and conference rooms.
Casual Construction Work in Sydney
If you are a plumber, labourer or you are looking for any casual construction work in Sydney then send us your resume to arrange an interview or register your interest on our online here. Alternatively give us a call on 02 89852019 or email us at jobs@hunterlabourhire.com.au to arrange an interview.
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