27 Mar Employee of the Month – March 2024
This month marks the return of our Employee of the Month series as it’s time to give some recognition to the hardworking labourers and tradies that make HLH Group what it is.
Heath – Employee of the Month for March 2024
After thoughtful consideration and lively debates among the recruiters, we are thrilled to announce Heath as our Employee of the Month for March. Heath has been a dedicated member of our team, consistently demonstrating hard work and delivering exceptional results.
Apprecation of His Relentless Efforts
Alex had the pleasure of presenting Heath with his voucher as a token of appreciation for his relentless efforts. Many of you may have crossed paths with Heath on various job sites, and we’re confident you’ll attest to his invaluable contributions to our team. Congratulations, Heath, and thank you for your unwavering dedication and outstanding contributions over the years!
Will You Be The Next Employee of the Month?
Now that our Employee of the Month competition is back underway the questions is, will you be the next Heath?
We hope the reintroduction of our EOTM scheme will put some additional pep in the step for our team and look forward to recognising hard work over the coming months. If you’d like to hire a hard worker, or join the team as a labourer, then give us a call now on 0289852019 or contact us online.
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