03 Mar Employee of the Month – February
HLH Employee of the Month – February
So, after our January employee of the month we are back to selecting an employee who has shined above the rest over the month of February. This month’s employee of the month hasn’t only done that for the last month he has done it for the last 6 months. The employee in question is from the Italian Swiss mountains and is a plumber by trade. Over the last 6 months he has not had one day off, has never been late and always has his time-sheet in on time. He is a pleasure to deal with and has visited the office numerous times always with a smile on his face. The employee in question is David Giannelli. We’ll now outline why he is our employee of the month for February.
David is very adaptable when he isn’t out working for us plumbing he will turn his hand to anything. David has worked as a scaffold labourer for jobs at the Star Casino and the Gateway Building at Circular Quay, he has done demolition work for numerous companies and has been described time after time as “a machine” and “an animal.”
Can Do Attitude
David is a pleasure to deal with onsite he gets on with the job with no moaning and does the best for each job he does. It doesn’t matter if he is cleaning the work site or welding copper pipes David’s attention to details and gusto make him a client’s favorite everywhere he goes.
Work Hard, Play Hard
When David isn’t working he enjoys running Ultra marathons and Alpine races and has some pretty impressive results around the world. This includes a fourth place at the TNF Thailand 100km, along with a win at the Doi Chang 65km Mountain Run, also in Thailand. A couple of years also, he was also fifth at the Eiger Trail 51km race so it’s clear to see how he’s always so energetic when working on construction sites.
Hire Our Employee of the Month!
If you are interested in using David for plumbing or labouring projects please get in touch today and if he isn’t available, we will have other quality labourers waiting in the wings. Simply email info@hunterlabourhire.com.au, call 02-89852019 or contact us online and we’ll take it from there!
Alternatively do you think you have what it takes to become a HLH employee of the month? We are always looking for experienced and reliable labourers and tradesmen if you’re interested in joining the team please email your resume to jobs@hunterlabourhire.com.au, call 02-89852019 or apply online!
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