31 Mar Employee of the Month March 2020
EOTM March 2020 – Teemu Lahtinen
Our employee of the month for March has been awarded to Teemu Lahtinen. Teemu registered with us back in mid-September 2019 having just arrived in Sydney following completion of his 3 months regional work. Prior to joining HLH he had 2 years’ experience on site back in his home country of Finland which we knew would stand him in good stead for most of our client’s projects where they require an experienced labourer.
6 Days A Week, Every Week!
Since his start on site at the end of September he has only worked on 2 projects for us. This is uncommon for this industry which can typically involve a lot more movement between projects, especially over 6-month period. Teemu has worked 6 days per week every week since his start with us and hasn’t missed a single day of work. Feedback from both the foremen he has worked for during his time with us was fantastic. Most of his time has been spent on his current project which is a high-end residential house renovation in Bellevue Hill. He is the main site labourer and as the project has evolved so have his duties. He has shown that he is extremely capable using a range of tools and once provided with a list of tasks for the day he requires no further guidance or encouragement to get them completed. He is an extremely self-motivated and hard-working individual and we are extremely happy that he has he has decided to remain for his second year working holiday visa in Sydney which started at the beginning of February 2020. Congratulations Teemu and keep up the great work.
Client Statement About Teemu
“Teemu is an extremely hard-working and reliable skilled labourer who hasn’t missed a single day of work with us since starting on the project. He is competent on all hand and power tools and self-motivated which in my opinion is an essential attribute for a labourer. I assign him a list of tasks every morning which he is to complete for the day and from there on he requires minimal guidance. He also always shows a willingness to assist myself and all our onsite sub-contractors with their tasks/duties, when necessary without ever complaining. I consider Teemu a valued member of our team on site and look forward to continuing to work with him until this project is completed”.
Words From Teemu
“My experience working for HLH has been very positive, you guys have been really helpful, friendly and kept supplying me with work even throughout the holidays so thank you for that. The wages have always been paid on time and I would be happy to recommend HLH for anyone looking for a trustworthy employer”.
Labour Hire Jobs Available
At Hunter Labour Hire we are always looking for the best in labour hire talent and so if you think you have relevant experience and are eager to work in the Sydney labour hire industry then we want to hear from you! Give our team a call now on +61 2 8985 2019 or register online to work with us and we’ll get back to you asap!
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