17 Mar The Effects of Coronavirus on the Australian Construction Industry
Sydney Construction Industry and Coronovirus
With the rapid spread of COVID-19 the world over, there is a large grey area surrounding the course of events that we expect to affect Australia’s construction industry. At present, the construction industry in Australia is for the most part managing, but the ripple effect of the virus is expected to come into play with disruptions to the supply of materials, shortage of labour with workers quarantined and extra precautionary measures to be taken.
Supply of Construction Materials During Coronavirus
There are likely to be a shortage in the supply of building materials and a delay in their delivery, with a lot of products supplied from heavily affected areas in China. This, in turn, could result in an increase in the costs of materials and supply and fit projects, where more expensive alternative materials will have to be used.
Factories Closed in China
Many factories across China are on extended periods of closure following the Chinese New Year, as part of the government efforts to contain the virus. It has been reported that some factories are returning to normal working capacity, but travel and import/export restrictions are still hindering the delivery of said building products. While China is a supplier of building materials to Australia, it is not a sole provider and many of the materials are produced in Australia.
Supply of Labour Hire During Coronavirus
With more and more cases of the virus presenting themselves everyday, more and more people are finding themselves in self-quarantine / self-isolation periods. This is the best course of action to be taken, to help prevent any widespread outbreaks on site. Under work health and safety laws, employers are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of workers in the workplace. Precautionary measures should be taken and if an employee finds themselves at risk, the site manager should allow them to seek medical attention. The employee is responsible for conveying their risk of contracting the virus to both their employer and doctor.
Temporary Labour Hire Solutions
Regular staff members may not be able to attend work as a result of the virus and this could, in turn, delay the completion of projects. Temporary labour solutions such as labour hire would reduce the impact of this, should the construction site be a safe working environment. Here at Hunter Labour Hire we are committed to helping our clients and the Sydney construction industry continue as normal as possible during these challenging times. To find out more give us a call now on +61 2 8985 2019 or contact us online.
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