24 Mar Infrastructure Priority List 2021 for Australia
2021 Infrastructure Priority List from Infrastructure Australia
Infrastructure Australia is the nation’s independent infrastructure advisor. They provide research and advice to governments, industry and the community on the investments and reforms required to deliver better infrastructure for Australia.
They have recently published the 2021 Infrastructure Priority List which features a record 44 new infrastructure proposals for the country spread between cities, regions and remote communities. This is the largest ever number of new proposals to the value of $59 Billion of nationally significant investment opportunities. This week HLH Group are going to take a look at the high priority projects in the Greater Sydney area as that is where we currently supply labour hire to.
Western Sydney Airport
Sydney is Australia’s primary aviation hub accounting for around 40% of international services, 43% of domestic travel and 45% of international air freight. With an increase in forecasted demand for flights in the region, this is likely to exceed the capacity of the Kingsford Smith Airport and that is why the development of Western Sydney Airport commenced in 2018. The airport is scheduled to open in 2026 with facilities for 10 million passengers per year. This project will improve productivity and facilitate broader economic impacts such as increased trade, tourism and foreign direct investment.
M12 Motorway
With a growing population in Western Sydney and the Western Sydney Airport development, there is significant pressure on the existing transport network. To address this issue the M12 motorway will be a new 16km motorway connecting the Westlink M7 to the Northern Road. This will save commuters travel time and improve road safety in the area.
Sydney Metro: City & Southwest
The rail network servicing Sydney’s CBD is currently nearing capacity at peak periods which causes material impacts on service accessibility, dwell times and crowding in stations and trains. To counteract this the proposal is a second stage of the broader Sydney Metro Project with a new 30km metro line from Chatswood to Bankstown. This will increase rail capacity through Sydney CBD and improve reliability and travel time for commuters.
Port Botany Rail Line Duplication and Cabramatta Passing Loop
The annual volume of shipping containers moving through Port Botany is expected to increase by 4.5 million 20 ft containers over the coming decades. Demand is expected to exceed capacity on the Southern Sydney Freight Line and Port Botany Rail Line (PBRL) from 2026. The proposed Cabramatta Passing loop will increase rail freight capacity while the PBRL duplication will enhance the reliability flexibility and capacity for freight operations to and from Port Botany. The project should help road congestion, add road safety benefits and reduce vehicle emissions.
Labour Hire Shortage for Projects
With the international borders remaining closed for a year now the country has been unable to rely on construction workers from overseas to fill the gaps in the skills shortages. From HLH Group’s experience, the shortage of construction workers in Sydney is only getting worse let us hope things improve soon so that we can supply labour hire to construction companies that require it to complete their projects.
If you require any additional labour hire in the Sydney area please get in touch with HLH Group today on 02-89852019 or email info@hunterlabourhire.com.au.
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