05 May 5 Simple Ways to Improve Traffic to Your Construction Website
How To Improve Traffic To Your Construction Website
As well as being able to keep your project ticking over with the best in Sydney labour hire we are now also back with the latest installment of tips and tricks for marketing your construction website. Previously we discussed how you could consider drone use in construction and social media tips for construction companies and in this post we’ll give you tips how to improve traffic to your construction website, read on!
Helping You Build Your Online Presence
The whole point of this blog series is to help our followers in the construction industry better build their brand and online presence. In this blog, we will be discussing a common marketing item almost every single construction business should have – a website! As of March 2021, there are approx 1,840,649,816 websites on the Internet with one being published every second. So, if your construction business does not have one then let this be the wake up call that it’s time to invest in one. For those of you that do have a website for your construction business, here are five simple ways you can improve traffic and clicks to your website.
1. Social Media for Construction Businesses
For construction businesses, social media is the most cost-effective tool available to help promote and gain website traffic. While it may seem overwhelming and time-consuming whilst managing several projects, its importance cannot be overstated. It is alarming that not all businesses are aware of how to use social media correctly. In fact, 50% of small construction businesses in Australia are not using social media to promote their business. By posting on social media frequently you are increasing your chances of a customer viewing your content and being interested in your construction service. We recommend posting a minimum of 2-4 times per week to be able to show off your brand without spamming your followers. Within the captions of some of your social posts be sure to include your website address which will encourage followers to click through to your website for further information – in marketing terms we call this a ‘call-to-action’. If you haven’t already, be sure to read our blog Top Social Media Tips for Construction Companies to improve your social media game.
2. Print Marketing / Branding
Although we live in a digital world, print marketing is still very much useful and effective for promoting your construction business. Print advertising is a form of marketing that uses physically printed media to reach customers on a broad scale. This includes brochures, posters, business cards, weatherproof-signs, capability statements, etc. On average, consumers trust print marketing 34% more than they trust online advertisements. Therefore, having physically printed marketing materials will increase your chances of persuading your target audience to visit your construction website. In every brochure, business card and capability your website address must be prominent and easily found. By having these forms of printed media in your construction marketing plan you will undoubtedly notice a sizable increase in website traffic. If you are looking to redesign or invest in physically printed marketing materials for your construction business, HLH Marketing offers a range of branding services for construction companies to assist you!
3. Paid Digital Advertising
If your construction business has a large Marketing budget it is strongly recommended that a percentage of it is dedicated to paid advertising. What is paid advertising? In simple terms, it means buying website traffic with online ads. By inputting several customer demographics – age, sex, location, interests – you can target individuals who would ‘fit’ your ideal mold of the ‘perfect customer’. The two most popular forms of paid digital advertising are Google AdWords and Facebook/Instagram Advertising. Google AdWords focuses on keywords in search results to display your construction website in relevant searches. Whereas Facebook targets individuals based on their profile demographics and personal interests. Although this will significantly increase your marketing budget it is a foolproof way of directly targeting customers that will be interested in your construction service. In turn, this will undoubtedly direct traffic to your website increasing your company click-rate. If you need help setting up your Google AdWords paid campaign, trust the marketing experts at HLH Marketing to get it up and running efficiently.
4. Word of Mouth Marketing
Believe it or not, the most credible and successful form of marketing is actually free! Word of mouth marketing is when a customer’s interest in a construction company’s service is reflected in their interactions with other people. For example, if you had an exceptional service from a scaffolding company and you recommended them to another company you would be partaking in a form of word of mouth marketing. We as humans speak about brands and services in our daily lives and are inadvertently promoting a business. The reason it is so successful is that people are more likely to believe something that comes from a person that he knows or respects, instead of a canned source like commercials and print ads. Therefore, if you can encourage your customers after completing a successful project to recommend your business you will observe a large increase in website traffic.
5. Creative Website Design
The last but rather more obvious method is having a creative and unique website design. A well-designed website can help you form a good impression on your prospective customers. It can also help you nurture your leads and get more conversions. We are all guilty of this, clicking on a website from Google and then seeing a poorly designed non-user-friendly website and click off the webpage. For construction companies, it is essential that your website can clearly present your business details and explain to customers what your business does. It is also important to showcase your recently completed projects – this will allow your customers to visualise the scope of works your construction business has completed in past. The golden rule, especially in construction is “less is more”. Don’t crowd your website with too much text and images as your key message will get lost in a sea of content. Remember your website will be the first impression for your customers and you want to make a lasting one from the first click.
Raise Your Online Profile
We hope you have enjoyed our tips and trick to improving traffic to your construction website. Some of the above methods are more hands-on and costly than others, but we can assure you that you will see an increase in website traffic by adopting them. We acknowledge that not everyone understands how digital marketing works, we have recently launched a Construction Marketing division that aims to assist construction companies with their online presence and marketing. If you feel that your brand could benefit from our marketing services, then contact us today. Call our office on (02) 8985 2019 or email Michael our marketing expert at michael@hunterlabourhire.com.au for a personalised social media package.
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