21 Jan HLH Group – 2021 Year in Review
2021 Year In Review
The year 2021 will be remembered as another ride on the COVID rollercoaster with lockdowns and restrictions on and off throughout the year. Despite a lot of uncertainty, challenges and a critical labour shortage the HLH team got through it together. Here are some of the highlights we had in 2021.
HLH Marketing – Up, Up and Away
Our HLH Marketing construction marketing services was launched in early 2021 and it has grown significantly throughout the year with Michael our Marketing Manager bringing 10 new clients on board, gaining just under 1000 followers and plenty of drone photoshoots.
Record Number of New Clients
We had a record year for new companies choosing HLH Group as their preferred labour hire supplier with a total of 85 new clients using us in 2021. June brought with it the second outbreak of COVID in NSW, and this was followed swiftly by working from home orders in July which meant the HLH team were all back working remotely. We initially thought and hoped this might only be for a month at most little did we know then it would be October before we were all allowed back to work in the office together.
Fast Facts: The Stats from 2021
And, speaking of record numbers of clients, let’s check out some of the stats from 2021.
- Total Follower Increase: 1137
- Total Published Posts on Social Media: 540
- Blogs Written: 50
- New Clients: 85
- Ping Pong Games Played: Countless
- Cups of Tea Consumed: 10,000+
- Most Played Song: Fly Away by Tones & I
- Most Played Artist: Justin Bieber
- Successful Office Moves: 1
Most Popular Post of the Year:
View this post on Instagram
Most Popular Meme of the Year:
View this post on Instagram
Temporary Shutdowns
The government then decided that along with most other industries construction would also be required to shutdown thankfully this only lasted for two weeks then sites opened but had to work with reduced numbers on site and plenty of other restrictions that made the day to day running of jobs even trickier than usual.
New Office Space
We had the fun task of moving the office in the middle of the lockdown thankfully it was only two doors up the road, and we are still conveniently located on Oxford Street in Bondi Junction. Our new office is much more spacious with plenty of room for table tennis, in house interviews and for Molly to chase her ball.
Racing To Return After Restrictions
Once restrictions were lifted, we took the first opportunity available to catch up with the rest of the team at a social gathering prior to returning to the office by a morning of go-karting followed with a lunch at EQ, Moore Park.
Now An Approved GTO
In November HLH Group were delighted to be officially approved as a GTO (Group Training Organisation) which means we can now facilitate hiring apprentices to our clients. We have candidates available for apprenticeships in carpentry, electrical and plumbing. Feel free to get in touch if that is something your business has planned for 2022.
Racing At Randwick
We then had our annual Melbourne Cup celebration and this year we went to the Randwick Races for a great team day out.
Australian Borders Reopening!
While December brought with it a rising number of COVID cases it also brought the best news of the year that Australian borders are reopening for the first time in almost two years. One of HLH Group’s (along with most of the rest of the worlds) challenges was the inability to keep up with the demand for workers. The opening of the borders will hopefully lead to an increase in people heading down to Australia on working holiday visas and this might help alleviate some of the labour shortages.
Free Flights to Sydney!
We have even launched an “I’m a Tradie Get Me Down Under” campaign where job applicants from overseas can go into the draw to win free flights to Sydney.
Christmas Festivities
To wrap up a stressful and challenging year we celebrated in style by heading out on the harbour from Rose Bay for the day and finishing with a few more drinks at Balmain. This we joined forces with Stronghold Hire which made for even more fun than the usual Xmas party!
Now, Onto 2022
With the challenging 2021 behind us we are excited for the year ahead. Already there are signs that things are picking up and with the borders reopening the floodgates of labourers will hopefully open once again. If you’d like to join the HLH Group for 2022 then get in touch with us today and a member of our team will get back to you asap.
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